Turning 24

By Amalina Elvira - November 13, 2019

Yes, I am turning 24 years old today. Feeling happy? of course I do. Life is too wonderful to be thanked, I am speechless for how it makes me who I am today. Being an adult is both fun and difficult, I start facing life problems, yet experiencing adult things hehehe

Kalo bisa dibilang, tahun ini akan menjadi tahun yang berat, yes of course, because things happened lately. Tapi, aku sadar, I got my back ups here, family, friends, and doctors. Semua yang bilang kalo aku harus kuat, dan aku harus bertahan, terimakasih ya! you make me a lot stronger than the day before. 

Thankyou for all the hopes and wishes, I am beyond grateful for who I am now

Happy birthday to myself
I know you've been so strong this whole lifetime, and for that, I thank you
I am sure we'll be stronger day by day

24 me,


ps. Bonus photo from yesterday's event. Minus oji because she went home too early

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