"You'll find a love when you least expect it
It could be any minute
So don't fight the tears on your cheek"
It could be any minute
So don't fight the tears on your cheek"
Crying over you - Honne
Yes, I am turning 24 years old today. Feeling happy? of course I do. Life is too wonderful to be thanked, I am speechless for how it makes me who I am today. Being an adult is both fun and difficult, I start facing life problems, yet experiencing adult things hehehe
Kalo bisa dibilang, tahun ini akan menjadi tahun yang berat, yes of course, because things happened lately. Tapi, aku sadar, I got my back ups here, family, friends, and doctors. Semua yang bilang kalo aku harus kuat, dan aku harus bertahan, terimakasih ya! you make me a lot stronger than the day before.
Thankyou for all the hopes and wishes, I am beyond grateful for who I am now
Happy birthday to myself
Happy birthday to myself
I know you've been so strong this whole lifetime, and for that, I thank you
I am sure we'll be stronger day by day
I am sure we'll be stronger day by day
24 me,