Dedicated to one gave me this book : Andra. freaky. skinny. jeany boy.
ps. this time, I swear, I'm trying to make better review because the previous one isn't clear enough to give you informations about the book, so good luck for me!
A Wrinkle in Time.
read the tittle and I didn't have any idea about what the book would be. saw the cover, I guessed it would give me more about realities. Nice. it was unexpectable. at first. then, I read almost 40 pages, I still thought that it would tell me more about Meg's or Charles' life, recognized that a lot of people thought they were idiots, I would be happy to see their perspective of life. But I was wrong. for the second time. I told you, the book told me more about finding their missing dad, against the dimensions. once, they succeeded their mission, rescued their father, Charles was left inside the IT (I wouldn't tell you what it really was) that it forced Meg, the one who knew Charles best, to went back and got him back.
This book was actually fulled by tricks and words, I had to think and guess where the story would go, and again, it ended up by whole-night-spent because the story was so much interesting (and unexpectable).
the good things are this book let the reader, you yes you, to imagine first what will happen even it ends up so far from your imagination. This book also gives you A LOT of quotes, because there's person (I'm not sure if it's a person) who talks with latin words. yeaaa and also good plots.
but unfortunately, I expect too much, after reading almost 150 pages I am really happy and antusias every time Meg and Charles tesser (this word sounds really cool) against the dimension. but at the end, after all their problems are solved, after find their father, after get Charles back, they're suddenly fall in the yard of their home, without knowing how they can be there. I am wondering why and how :(
but overall, the book is SO MUCH good, I am one loves poem and tricky words and I still find it inside, nice!! happy to wonder what book will be my next review!